Blogging is indeed exciting especially when you have so many interesting ideas to share to your readers. It is easy to set up your own blog for free. However, don't get too excited especially if you plan to increase traffic and market your blog. Aside from posting quality contents, one has to know about SEO (search engine optimization) in order to gain more readers for your blog and maximize your blog's potential. I do not have much idea regarding SEO. I am just lucky that there are fellow bloggers who are willing to share their ideas about SEO stuffs. I still have so many things to learn. Right now, I can say that my blogging experience is great. I learn several things from expert bloggers and get to connect with them as well.
Anyway, this blog of mine is almost three months old and still I experience several blogging problems, both technical and SEO problems. So, I decided to write those problems I encountered while blogging. This would serve as my guide when I set up another blog. Here is the list of my blogging problems and some solutions I made. Still, I have so many things to resolve. Hopefully, I could address these soon.
1. Feedburner Stealing My Backlinks - this one had already been resolved and I made a separate article for this and how I corrected the problem with the help of a fellow blogger.
2. Making Post Title Appears Before Blog Title - The same fellow blogger who helped me with the problem about feedburner also informed me regarding this problem. I am so glad that he is very helpful. I will make a separate review on this soon. I already corrected this problem. It would take some time though before I can see better results once Google and other search engines would reindex those previous articles I made on this blog.
3. Alt Tags on Images Posted on My Blog - I am still trying to figure out this problem. I found out about this when I checked the status of my blog site. It says there that alt tags on images posted on any blog is relevant to tell search engines about what my page is all about. I got only 19 images which have alt tags and around 70 images got no alt tags in them.
4. Internal Pages Have No Page Descriptions - I do not have any idea about this, still trying to figure out how to resolve this problem...or is this really a big deal for SEO? Anyone???
5. Social Subscriptions - I know social networking sites are helpful to increase audience in any blog. I would work out on this soon.
6. Archive Page - I already had an archive section for my older posts. However, this problem came up when a particular paid to blog site that I applied for required their applicants to have an Archive Page on their blogs. I read blogs regarding putting up Archive Page, still I have trouble setting it right.
This would be all for now. I know there would be more things to learn and explore in blogging. Gradually, I would be able to resolve these problems in due time.
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