Sunday, January 29, 2012 Review

One of the things that any blogger wants to achieve for his or her blog is of course to attract more readers. After all, it feels great that someone out there is reading our blog/s. We can impart our ideas and at the same time learn important things from readers and fellow bloggers. The internet world offers a lot of opportunities for everyone. Not to mention, with the increase number of audience on our blogs, more opportunities to earn extra income as well.

Anyway, I consider myself still a newbie in the blogging world though I have been writing articles for quite some time now. This is my first blog ever. It will take me sometime to learn the ropes about blogging. However, I always find ways to learn as blogging really fascinates me. Now, to entice more readers on my blog, I came up with a job board page. A job board is just perfect since my blog is all about giving information about online jobs. 

Now, while searching the net for the best job board to use on my blog, I stumbled upon This site is for online freelancer and for those who have small and medium businesses. Freelancers can choose several available online jobs while small business owners can source out freelance workers readily. The good thing about Donanza is that there are several sites that supply job listings such as Odesk, Elance and several others on the site. This is a great opportunity for blog visitors to check out Donanza Project Board.

If you are a blogger, it is free to sign up for a Donanza Project Board. You can also earn extra income just by integrating Donanza Project Board on your site. Donanza allows publisher to use your own personal domain. (Next time, I will discuss on how I integrate  Donanza Project Board without navigating away from my blog.)

Moving on, there are two ways to earn income using Donanza. First, you can earn through users' click on posted projects the blog visitors may find interesting. You will start earning money once a user bids or works on the project. Second, employers can post directly on your own board. Isn't it exciting? You can freely set the price you want to charge for each post on your board. In addition, Donanza Project Board features easy to use interface and the use of RSS Feed to send new listings to your twitter and facebook accounts. Imagine, you can reach more audience not just for your Donanza Project Board but as well as to your site. Later on, I will update you more regarding my earnings on this site. If you are interested to join, just visit the site,

Disclaimer: I cannot attest that all jobs posted on Donanza Project Board are all legitimates. Projects posted are from third party affiliates, therefore use your own discretion whether to work on a certain job post or not. Remember, stay away from scammers who ask extra amount of cash from applicants. If you had unfortunate online experience, feel free to share it.

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  1. Bhing,

    Great article. I've never studied these kind of sites before, all I did was looking for money making opportunities similar to that of Adsense. This type of money making opportunities are aliens to me. I'll be very interested to know how much you've earned later in your future post. Hope you'll do well. Good luck :)


    1. Hello Peter, thanks for dropping by. I've been surfing the internet lately looking for some ways to earn extra income online. I will be posting more exciting and promising income generating sites. Stay tune...:)

  2. Only problem I see in Donanza is that it list all the Jobs posted by other freelancing opportunities. Such as Elance which post more fake jobs to get more attention and you select a job on Donanza to Elance you have to bit with most companies like Pakistan and other that are in Elance to bit, that have 50 to 100 people working for the and been told to join Elance or get fired and get that job for the company. That only one part, the other part you have to join Elance and pay a fee select that job make a proposal and pay a % if you win that job, even if you select 20 jobs and wait 18 of those jobs are phony and you wasted your time.




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