Thursday, January 26, 2012 Review

A friend of mine informed me regarding I am not really familiar about this site so I did a little investigation. I gathered some  interesting information for everyone who is aspiring to earn extra income online. Anyway, here is what I learned from this site:

What is is a site both for writers and clients. For writers, you can write excellent quality articles and sell them on the site. You earn considerable amount of income. For clients, you can purchase quality articles to boost out your blog sites. This would be beneficial for blog owners since you can always update your readers with fresh and good quality content articles. Not to mention, it saves you time to think on topics you want to write on your sites. Anyway, the articles are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. In addition, there are moderators that will ensure that the submitted articles are error free before they are approved to be sold on the site. Feedback will be given for low quality or denied articles.

Who can apply as a writer on

Anyone can apply as long as you can write proper English. Articles in foreign languages are not available at this time. You can sign up readily and there is no need to take any test. You can start submitting your good quality articles anytime. Take note, it does not guarantee you that your articles will be purchased immediately by blog owners. It is the discretion of the buyers on what articles to buy that are fit for their blog sites.

How much can you earn from selling your articles?
Once your articles are approved, it will be added immediately on the system. Buyers will browse over the available articles and may choose to buy it. If you opt for the standard pricing model, you will earn US$3.50 per 100 words. Still, you can set a different price for your articles. Keep in mind that your article is only sold once to a single client. Once your article is sold, copyright is automatically transferred to the buyer. The minimum cash-out is set at US$25.

Does Ghostbloggers take a commission from your sold articles? 

Ghostbloggers fee is added on top of the selling price which is 30%. They do not take a cut from the writer's profit. 

My verdict:

For a freelance writer, this is a good chance for you to earn additional income. However, you should not only rely on Ghostbloggers  since there is a chance that your articles may not be purchased right away. For additional information, you may visit the site,

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  1. I'd never heard of prior to reading this article of yours, but I've just checked them out, it seems that their price is pretty expensive compare to iWriter isn't it? Hmmm... not a good place to buy articles if you asked me..., Anyway, nice find Bhing :)

    1. Yes, you are right Peter, it is almost the same with iWriter. However, prices may vary depending on the writers. If they choose the standard pricing model, then definitely the price for their articles is quite high. Due to competition, it's better they sell their articles at a lower price.

  2. I put three articles on and have sold 2 of them, however it took a while. I may put some more on there to see if there traffic works well enough to bring in some regular sales.

    I have my own ghostwriting business and I certainly don't think their prices are to high, not if the writer is doing their research and hard work like I do. I sold one of my articles for around $32 and the smaller one for around $17. Clients that get quality don't mind paying for it, so don't sell yourself short.

  3. Well as for me, I charge $2 per a hundred words so for 400 words it may total to $12 (plus their commissions) which is a bit like an elite writer's rate in iwriter...!!!

  4. They aren't paying their writers now. They owe me hundreds of dollars for articles that sold months ago. They don't respond to messages, and they won't take down my other 21 articles. I published them on my own blog. Buyers will have to file Paypal disputes when they find them already published. Many people have been scammed by the site. does not pay, but they keep taking articles from unsuspecting writers. They keep posting on Facebook and Twitter too. Take a look at the complaints.

  5. You don't want to write for these days. It's not the same site that it was when you published this post. They tried to scam me out of the money that I earned, and many others haven't been paid. If you have been scammed you can turn them in for Internet fraud at That's how I was finally paid. They keep posting work from unsuspecting writers, but they try to keep 100% of the profits. Others are complaining here....




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