Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Embed Donanza Project Board on Blogger Page

Days ago, I had a hard time putting up Donanza Project Board on my blogger account. When I signed up, I was given my own Donanza Project Board URL. The picture below shows the page when a visitor click my Donanza URL which is


However, I just wanted to embed Donanza Project Board on my web page for the purpose of keeping my blog visitors on my site once they browsed over the project board.They do not have to be navigated to another web page. After days of searching on the internet, I came across this iframe code which is helpful in inserting a web page on my blog. The picture below shows the complete HTML code which I used for my Job Board.
Embed Donanza

I keyed in my Donanza URL on the iframe code. After a few seconds of integrating this iframe code on my blog, the result is this:

 You can try the iframe code above for your blog site. Just feel free to leave your comments regarding your experience.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012 Review

One of the things that any blogger wants to achieve for his or her blog is of course to attract more readers. After all, it feels great that someone out there is reading our blog/s. We can impart our ideas and at the same time learn important things from readers and fellow bloggers. The internet world offers a lot of opportunities for everyone. Not to mention, with the increase number of audience on our blogs, more opportunities to earn extra income as well.

Anyway, I consider myself still a newbie in the blogging world though I have been writing articles for quite some time now. This is my first blog ever. It will take me sometime to learn the ropes about blogging. However, I always find ways to learn as blogging really fascinates me. Now, to entice more readers on my blog, I came up with a job board page. A job board is just perfect since my blog is all about giving information about online jobs. 

Now, while searching the net for the best job board to use on my blog, I stumbled upon This site is for online freelancer and for those who have small and medium businesses. Freelancers can choose several available online jobs while small business owners can source out freelance workers readily. The good thing about Donanza is that there are several sites that supply job listings such as Odesk, Elance and several others on the site. This is a great opportunity for blog visitors to check out Donanza Project Board.

If you are a blogger, it is free to sign up for a Donanza Project Board. You can also earn extra income just by integrating Donanza Project Board on your site. Donanza allows publisher to use your own personal domain. (Next time, I will discuss on how I integrate  Donanza Project Board without navigating away from my blog.)

Moving on, there are two ways to earn income using Donanza. First, you can earn through users' click on posted projects the blog visitors may find interesting. You will start earning money once a user bids or works on the project. Second, employers can post directly on your own board. Isn't it exciting? You can freely set the price you want to charge for each post on your board. In addition, Donanza Project Board features easy to use interface and the use of RSS Feed to send new listings to your twitter and facebook accounts. Imagine, you can reach more audience not just for your Donanza Project Board but as well as to your site. Later on, I will update you more regarding my earnings on this site. If you are interested to join, just visit the site,

Disclaimer: I cannot attest that all jobs posted on Donanza Project Board are all legitimates. Projects posted are from third party affiliates, therefore use your own discretion whether to work on a certain job post or not. Remember, stay away from scammers who ask extra amount of cash from applicants. If you had unfortunate online experience, feel free to share it.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012 Review

A friend of mine informed me regarding I am not really familiar about this site so I did a little investigation. I gathered some  interesting information for everyone who is aspiring to earn extra income online. Anyway, here is what I learned from this site:

What is is a site both for writers and clients. For writers, you can write excellent quality articles and sell them on the site. You earn considerable amount of income. For clients, you can purchase quality articles to boost out your blog sites. This would be beneficial for blog owners since you can always update your readers with fresh and good quality content articles. Not to mention, it saves you time to think on topics you want to write on your sites. Anyway, the articles are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. In addition, there are moderators that will ensure that the submitted articles are error free before they are approved to be sold on the site. Feedback will be given for low quality or denied articles.

Who can apply as a writer on

Anyone can apply as long as you can write proper English. Articles in foreign languages are not available at this time. You can sign up readily and there is no need to take any test. You can start submitting your good quality articles anytime. Take note, it does not guarantee you that your articles will be purchased immediately by blog owners. It is the discretion of the buyers on what articles to buy that are fit for their blog sites.

How much can you earn from selling your articles?
Once your articles are approved, it will be added immediately on the system. Buyers will browse over the available articles and may choose to buy it. If you opt for the standard pricing model, you will earn US$3.50 per 100 words. Still, you can set a different price for your articles. Keep in mind that your article is only sold once to a single client. Once your article is sold, copyright is automatically transferred to the buyer. The minimum cash-out is set at US$25.

Does Ghostbloggers take a commission from your sold articles? 

Ghostbloggers fee is added on top of the selling price which is 30%. They do not take a cut from the writer's profit. 

My verdict:

For a freelance writer, this is a good chance for you to earn additional income. However, you should not only rely on Ghostbloggers  since there is a chance that your articles may not be purchased right away. For additional information, you may visit the site,

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Wordweb: English Dictionary, Thesaurus & Word Finder Software


Writing is quite a challenging task. There are even times that writers experience what you call a "writer's block". This is when you just do not know what topic to write about or simply nothing comes into mind. Aside from this predicament, writers are faced with the problem of using proper grammar and appropriate words for written articles. Sometimes, you may even be at a loss for words.

Well, you do not have to worry anymore. If you have heard about Wordweb English dictionary, then you are perfectly on the right track in your writing career. Wordweb is a software tool that can be downloaded for free. There are several versions that you can choose from. It only takes a few minutes to install. Wordweb comes in a platform. You can see Wordweb, Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wordweb Online all integrated in one platform. As you can see from the picture below, the platform is pretty simple and and easy to use. You will learn more synonyms and antonyms for a certain word. In addition, you will learn what part of speech a certain word is. All you need to do is type a certain word in the "Lookup" box, then hit search. Everything will just appear on the platform. You can also check for the right pronunciation of a certain word by clicking the icon on the upper right side of the platform. This is indeed a very useful tool for writers.

My experience with Wordweb is simply amazing! It is easy, fast and reliable to use. I do not have trouble whether I have internet connection or not since it can still work offline. This is a great tool for work and research. When using the internet, it does not slow down my computer's speed performance. I have been using this software for almost four years now. So far, I can say that it has greatly helped me in my writing stuffs and other tasks. Wordweb is a must for everyone. It is not just a simple online dictionary but a grammar helper and spell checker as well. It boasts of several great features that would make the life of every writer more convenient and even the readers.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Review

What is is a writing site in which writers and clients meet up. As a client, this site is a reliable way for you to find writers that would write quality articles for your site. There are several freelance writers that can do the job quickly at an affordable rate. For aspiring writers, this is your chance to showcase your passion in writing. There are several written projects that you can work on at a different price rates. You have to submit good quality articles for you to increase your level and earn higher income. 

How to write articles and make money at

Anyone can register at and start earning money.  You can sign up for free and start writing articles for other people. There is no limit as to the number of articles you want to write in a day. The more you write articles, the more money you get to earn. 

Moving on,  once you activated your account, you can now start writing. You may choose topic(s) that you are good at. For every article that you choose to write, there is a corresponding time limit. Most of the times, you are given two to three hours to finish a certain task. Anyway, all these important details are further discussed on the tutorial video on the site. If you are interested, feel free to visit,

How much do writers earn? 

According to the site's information, writer's get 81% of the price of each article written and approved. The rest of the percentage is taken by PayPal for transaction fees and also by Copyscape for quality checks.  If you got a "special request" from a client, you receive an extra 5% earnings per article. Anyway, the mode of payment is through PayPal only. 

My verdict:

I have joined this site recently. I can say that the site is quite easy to follow. All you need to do is to look up on the  tutorial video. Everything is explained thoroughly. I have not started writing yet but I guess this site looks promising. I learned some feedback from other writers that the site really pays. Anyway, in the coming days, I will keep you posted with regards to my experience on the site. If you have any experience on iWriter. com, feel free to share your ideas. It would be greatly appreciated.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012 Review

What is
It is an audio transcription company which offers clients high quality transcripts of interviews, videos, lectures and more. There are more than a thousand of certified transcribers on this site. Aside from transcription works, Scribie also hires online audio transcriptionists. 

How to get started as Scribie audio transcriptionist?
It is very important that you have a verified PayPal account before applying for an audio transcription job at Scribie. If you do not have this,  then your application is readily rejected. Once you got your PayPal account verified and has a good working computer and internet connection at home, then you are ready to go. First thing that you do is to submit your application. You click Apply Now and you are directed to an online form. Be sure to fill in the form completely. Just one piece of advise, it is better that you input your typing speed at a higher level. The reason behind this is that there are other applicants who might have higher typing speed level than you do and their application process is prioritized first. (That was what I did on my first attempt at applying on Scribie. I keyed in 40 wpm, I was in the 20th slot. Then the next day I was in the 50th slot. However, I heard feedback from other Scribie transcribers that it is better to put in a higher speed typing level so that your application will be prioritized than the rest of the applicants. So, what I did, I deleted my application and reapplied. True enough, just two days after, I was advised to take the test.)

Moving on, your application will be confirmed through your email and it will be reviewed. Once you passed the application review, then you are invited to take an audio test. There is no time duration as when you would like to take the test. You can take it after a week, in a month's time or even more, so long as you are available to take the test. Anyway, the audio test file basically lasts around 6 minutes and you are given a turn around time (TAT) of two hours to finish the audio file test. There are more detailed instructions that you need to know further from the site. You need to follow those instructions carefully. When you log in to your account on Scribie, there are several test files that you can choose from. You can run each of these test files in just less than a minute to give you an idea which test file you would like to take. After that, you grab your chosen test file and start transcribing. There are software tools that you can download on your computer for you to start transcribing the audio file. You may use ExpressScribe  or other software. You have to complete the test within two hours. If you could not make it in two hours, your test would be automatically rejected.

Finally, you can submit your test file after some proofreading. The last process is the certification. At this stage, you would either be certified or rejected as a transcriber depending on the results of your audio test. If your test is rejected, you can see some errors you made in your test and compare the differences between the reviewed file and your submission. Every applicant is given 10 chances to retake the test if you do not pass for the first, second, third and so on. 

How much does Scribie pay?
According to the site, Scribie pays US$10 per audio hour and a dollar for a 6 minute long audio file. Payments can be withdrawn through your PayPal account. The company does not support any payment method aside from PayPal.

Additional information:
Once you are hired at Scribie, you can start your transcription work immediately. You have to be consistent in submitting excellent quality of your work. Later on, you will be promoted to become a reviewer. When you become a reviewer, you can earn extra income through their referral program. You refer people and earn around 5% commission once those people are hired. Anyway, this transcription job is available worldwide as long as you can access a PayPal account in your location. Newbies are welcome to apply.

My verdict:
I was a newbie in the transcription industry when I joined I had no idea about audio transcription job. Through this site, I gained more knowledge. As I started learning about the job, I came to realize that the US$1 per audio file payment cannot even support my daily needs. Still, I am thankful that I learned something from this company. I cannot discount that fact. 

Anyway, for those experienced transcriptionists, this may not be the right company to work for since the payment is quite measly. Right now, there are several audio transcription companies that offer around US$10-20 per audio file or even more depending on your expertise. 

If you are interested to join this transcription company, you can always check out the site,
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Friday, January 13, 2012

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traffic Exchange Programs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traffic Exchange Programs

As a newbie in the blogging world, I get too excited to see views on my blog increasing each day. I tried to research several ways on how to increase traffic on my blog. I tried all those recommendations, from promoting my blog site to social networking sites, giving sensible comments to fellow bloggers and more. Well, I got some good results since I was able to increase my views a bit each day. However, once you get a taste of some success you crave for more. That was what happened to me. I became impatient on getting the usual 20-30 audience views per day. So, I tried surfing the internet for better ways to get more traffic on my blog.

While surfing, I came across the term traffic exchange program. So, what is a traffic exchange program? It is a program in which you join so you can surf other members' websites and vice versa. This in return will earn you more traffic on your blog or site. There is a credit ratio scheme in which for every number of views you have made on other websites, you also get the same corresponding amount of views on your site. if you do not have time to surf other websites, you can also make used of paid advertisement for traffic exchange. Anyway, there are hundreds or even thousands of traffic exchange programs on the internet. Try to choose one that would best suit your needs. Each traffic exchange program has its own ways to get more views on your site. There are text ad exchange programs, banner exchange, blog traffic exchange and more.  As for me, so far, I have tried three traffic exchange programs. In my next blog, I will be discussing regarding my experiences on these sites.

Moving on, you might get overjoyed that traffic exchange programs may be  the answer to your slow traffic views on your site. However, this style has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Traffic Exchange Programs:
  • Traffic exchange programs are used for low budget advertisement promotions by small business owners or marketers.
  • With the traffic exchange, there would be an increase on the views of your blog which would increase trust from search engines.
  • For a newbie, the traffic you get from traffic exchange programs can help you get some new readers on your site.
  • While earning credits by viewing other sites, you may have the chance to see other sites related to yours. You can keep in touch with the site owner and start some direct link exchange. You can gain a good back link from a site with high PR rating. This in return can improve your site when it comes to search engine visibility. You also get direct traffic from the other site.
  • In addition, you will gain higher impressions on Google analytics and other analytics platform. If you are selling some advertisements on your blog or site, you can have the chance to get advertisers at a good price.

Disadvantages of Traffic Exchange Programs:
  • Based on my experience, I became so hooked up on surfing other sites using traffic exchange programs. I did not have much time to write more on my blogs.
  • There are traffic exchange programs that have low conversion rate. You need to do some investigations and trials just to get the best traffic exchange programs that would suit your needs.
  • There are no returning visitors and you rarely get some clicks on your advertisements. So, it means less revenue on your part.
  • There are some traffic exchange programs that are against Google Adsense' rules.
  • You can see some display ads on your websites which are quite irrelevant to your site. Some of these ads involve pictures of a sexy young woman or other stuffs. Readers may find it inappropriate.
  • Most surfers from traffic exchange programs do not spend much time reading the content of your site. You do not get full benefit of the program.
  • There are sites that you surf that may bring harm to your computer or may slow down your computer performance. Sometimes, it takes time to open these sites which is also time consuming.  
  • And the most important thing, you will get high bounce rates which is not good at all. Higher bounce rate means that people are not interested in your blog content. The bounce rate increases when your visitors stay only for a few seconds on your site. 

Finally,  as much as possible try to stay away from traffic exchange programs if you do not really need it. A good organic traffic on your site is good enough to boost your site or blog on the online world. Traffic exchange is not highly recommended by experienced bloggers as there are more disadvantages than advantages. At the end of the day, it is always your choice. Just consider those advantages and disadvantages I mentioned above.

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Traffic Exchange Programs

Traffic Exchange Programs

I tried three traffic exchange programs for my new blog and I am still using two of these traffic exchange programs. At first, it was just an experiment for me and now I am beginning to like it. Well, I was able to get some good and bad results. Anyway, let me discuss to you thoroughly my experiences on these three traffic programs I am using right now.

This is the first traffic exchange program that I tried on my new blog. I came upon this site while surfing for potential traffic exchange program that would suit my blog. I read some feedback before I signed up on the site. Some feedback were positive but  there were negative feedback as well. Still, I gave it a shot. I joined, read the FAQ, then uploaded the Entrecard business Card 2.0 on my blog. Anyway, Entrecard features the following:
  • Instant increase on web traffic
  • Reaching new customers which will generate increase in sales and revenue
  • Tools in the dashboard that would allow a blogger to network and make new friends with other bloggers. Once you get to view other business cards, you can communicate with other bloggers through a private messaging system.
  • This a chance for you to increase your rate on, a website responsible for rating internet traffic on a particular website or blog. The higher rating you achieve, the more traffic you get on your blog or website. 
  • Prompt and efficient customer service 
How it works?
Once you downloaded the Entrecard business Card 2.0, you can start advertising. You can visit other members of Entrecard and then press the "drop" portion on the card. In addition, other members will also get to visit your site and drop on your card. Every time you drop a card, you earn 1 EC  credit. Once you earned enough credits, you can buy ad space on other sites or blogs for 24 hours. It is quite easy to learn the platform on Entrecard. Familiarize its functions and for sure you would be successful in this program.

My verdict: 
I have been using this traffic exchange program for almost a month now. So far, I do not have high traffic returns. It is time consuming to open some blogs or sites. Most members only stay on the blog for a short period of time. However, on a positive note, I get to exchange some links with other fellow bloggers. In addition, I also discover more blogs that have interesting content. All in all, it is fair enough especially if you have ample time to browse other sites. Review
This is another traffic exchange program that I signed up. I have been in this program for almost two weeks now. EasyHits4U features the following services:
  • 1:1 Traffic Exchange
  • Manual surfing
  • 20 seconds or more per visit
  • Guaranteed unique hits 24/7
  • 5 levels referral program
  • Earn cash for active surfing, you get to earn US$0.30 for every 1,000 sites you viewed
  • Geo Targeting of your ads
  • Promote up to 15 sites or blogs
  • Surfing and referral contests
  • Promote site with unlimited banners and text ads
  • 50 free credits & 500 text ad impressions upon sign up
How it works? 
This is a 1:1  traffic exchange site. For every site you visit using the system, you get one visitor to your website. You stay on the site for about 20 seconds or more which is good since your site or blog might pique the interest of your readers. You can surf around 300 sites per day. However, for some international countries, there is a limit on the number of sites to surf. Premium members receive much more sites to surf.

My verdict:
This is a good traffic exchange program for entry level bloggers. You can really earn instant traffic on your site or blog. At first, I got around less than 50 views with Entrecard but with EasyHits4U, I get tremendous increase on my traffic each day. I get around 200 to 300 views a day. This is good to increase visibility and ranking in some search engines. In addition, their customer service is quite accommodating and prompt in replying inquiries from members. I have observed that most of the users on the site are PTC users. It is great for these users since they can get direct referrals for their PTC sites. As for my blog, it is indeed great to increase traffic but later on, I realized that it has weak conversion points. I never have a chance to earn from these views. I would not recommend this site for those who have Google Adsense account since it is against their rules. This is good for new blogs but later on, once you get established, you can start getting more traffic without the aid of traffic exchange programs. All in all, traffic exchange programs have helped a  lot of newbies and EasyHits4U is just one of the most reliable traffic exchange programs that would generate high traffic to any blogs or sites.

When, I started planning to write about traffic exchange programs, I was surprised to receive a news from that they are going to close by January 31st, 2012. It is sad to see this site goes. I have a very brief experience from this site but I can say that I earned some traffic and even earned a little amount of income. I wish for the best for the site owner, staffs and other fellow bloggers.

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